How to signup?
To sign up in click on the Register link on the top right, fill the form and click on Become a member a confirmation email will be delivered to your account, click on the confirmation link to finish the signup process.
How to create an Ad?
Once you create your account, click on fill the login link (top right) and fill the form with your email and password, after login click on the Publish link on the top and follow the instructions
How do I signup using facebook?
To start sign into facebook by clicking the the facebook login button on the top right or thru facebook page directly, once you login into facebook, click on the register link on the top right, then click on Signup using facebook the signup form will be filled with your information from facebook, fill the required fields and click on Become a member
What is the cost to publish?
Get publish in its totally free
How long will my ad be active?
Your ads will be active until you decide to remove it
How will I be contacted through my ad?
You can choose to get in contact by email or phone, just select yes on the option Show email or Show phone number on the create ad form
I lost my password, What should I do?
If you lose your password click on the Forgot your password? link on the login page, fill the email field and click on Send me my password by email and you will get an email with your login information
Why is my ad still not being listed?
All ads will be approved by our staff in the next 24 hours after you submit it (72 hours on weekends) keep in mind that it wont be approved if theres any offensive or inappropriate content, once approved you will get notification email.