Massage detente et therapeutique
My name is Gilles,
Massage Therapist
(More than 40 years of experience)
I receive at my place at Léry J6N 1E2
(Great Chateauguay Area)
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Relaxation and Therapeutic Massage
Swedish massage
Polarity therapy: Equilibrium body-emotion-mind
Vertebral Techniques
Deep Tissue
Lymphatic Drainage
Quantum Touch-The Power To Heal: aches and inflammation, etc.
Prices: $35/30 minutes
$60/60 minutes
90 minutes/$90
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Make an appointment: 438 523 9605
AMPQ Member - Receipts for Insurance
You have back pain.
Specific pain: lumbar, sciatica, shoulder, etc ...
Come and get a Great massage
by a true Massage professional!
OPEN: 7 days / 7 From 10H to 20H