Marketplace Bonaventure

iphone8 256 gigas

550.00$ Negotiable


I sell my iphone 8 256giga he has 1 month he has all these accessories as well as the warranty he was always protected from a tempered glass and a rear hull remove just for the photo he has no scratch he is new

not serious abstain thank you
pay 979 euro there is 1 month I put it at 550 euro firm price negotiable

je vend mon iphone 8 256giga il a 1 mois il a tout ces accesoires ainsi que la garantie il a toujours etait proteger d un verre tremper et d une coque arriere retirer juste pour la photo il a aucune rayure il est neuf

pas serieux s abstenir merci
payer 979 euro y a 1 mois je le met a 550 euro prix négociable